Audit Tata Kelola Sumber Daya Teknologi Informasi dengan Kerangka Kerja COBIT 4.1 untuk Evaluasi Manajemen pada Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan

Syahid Zakwan, Suci Ratnawati, Nur Aeni Hidayah


Information technology resources is one important part in the Monitoring and Information Centre (PUSINFOWAS) in the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPK), PUSINFOWAS is a unit that requires BPK audit governance maturity level of information technology resources , it needs to views of the mission and the main tasks that want to have good governance and the charge of data processing and information systems development. COBIT 4.1 is an appropriate framework to be able to know the maturity level of governance of information technology resources, COBIT is also recognized as an international standard in terms of IT management standards. In this study the authors discuss the Acquire and Implement domain ie (AI) of 4 existing domains of COBIT 4.1 , and is focused on AI 2 Acquire and Maintain Application Software, namely AI 3 Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure and AI 5 is Procure IT Resources for maturity level governance . The results of the audit maturity level governance of information technology resources is the assessment of the AI 2 is 3:58 or at the level 4 (managed and measurable), AI 3 is 4:05 or at the level 4 (managed and measurable), and AI 5 is 3.78 or is at level 4 (managed and measurable), and the author made recommendations governance model information technology resources in accordance with the wishes PUSINFOWAS BPK to address the gaps of the current state, recommendation from this study be used to guide planning management of information technology resources in PUSINOWAS BPK).

Keywords: Audit, Governance, Acquire and Implement, Maturity Level, Resource, Information Technology

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