Penggunaan Infrastruktur Ad Hoc untuk Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak SIMAK Mobile (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Dasar Negeri Rawajati 08 Pagi)

Indah Dwijayanthi Nirmala, Arini .


Handling of academic data collection is still done manually in an educational institution led to inefficiency in terms of both human resource and time. While the academic data collection is vital to survival  and success of the  educational mandate was adopting.  The condition at  SDN 08 Pagi Rawajati was lack academic computerized data collection accurately,  precisely and quickly, especially those capable of supporting mobility school management so that it can always be up to date on academic data.Therefore, the presence of academic data provided solution has needed, which  in case built system  using a mobile academic infrastructure WLAN Ad-Hoc network, the programming language of Borland Delphi 7 which connected to the database server using ODBC Connector MySql. The authors implemented the system, used method of Linear Sequential Mode. From the results of testing conducted was able give good enough for schools where data & information can updated in mobile.

Keywords: Academic Information System, WLAN, ODBC, MySQL, and Delphi

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