Aliya Ningsih, Mansyurdin Mansyurdin, Tesri Maideliza



Penelitian tentang perkembangan aerenkim pada kangkung darat dan kangkung air telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2014 sampai Februari 2015 di Laboratorium Struktur Perkembangan Tumbuhan Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas. Jaringan akar diproses dengan metode parafin, kemudian dideskripsikan secara kuantitatif. Rongga aerenkim pada kangkung air terbentuk pada minggu ke tiga dengan jumlah dua rongga sel sedangkan pada kangung darat terbentuk pada minggu ke empat. Proses pembentukan aerenkim terjadi melalui proses pelisisan sel korteks.


Research of aerenchyma development on terrestrial kale Ipomea reptans poir and water kale Ipomoea aquatic Forsk was conducted from October, 2014 until February, 2015 at Laboratory of plant growth structure, the Faculty of Math and Science, Department of Biology, Andalas University. Kales were analyzed by using paraffin method then described by quantitive data. Results showed: (i) aerenchyma cavities were formed in the 1st week, (ii) aquatic Forsks with two cell cavities were formed in the 3rd week, (iii) terrestrial kales were formed in the 4th week. The formation process of aerenchyma occurred through lysis process of cortical cell.


Aerenchyma; Aerenkim; Akar; Aquatic kale; Kangkung air; Kangkung darat; Terrestrial kale; Root.

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