Marina Silalahi



Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan mahasiswa Program Studi (Prodi) Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UKI terhadap keanekaragaman tumbuhan di lingkungan kampus Universitas Kristen Indonesia Cawang. Penelitian dilakukan 2 tahap yaitu eksplorasi tanaman di lingkungan UKI dan survei terhadap 30 orang mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Biologi UKI tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Sebanyak 35 tanaman dibuat dalam bentuk 2-3 buah foto (habitus, bunga dan buah) untuk setiap spesies dan ditanyakan nama lokal, nama ilmiah dan famili masing-masing tumbuhan. Untuk melengkapi data mahasiswa, juga ditanyakan asal daerah dan etnisnya. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif menggunakan statistika deskriptif. Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Biologi mengetahui rata-rata nama lokal sebanyak 67%, nama ilmiah spesies sebanyak 24%, nama famili sebanyak 19%.


Research was conducted to study the student knowledge on plant diversity in Biology Department, FKIP UKI in Universitas Kristen Indonesia Cawang.  The study was done in 2 stages, i.e plant exploration in UKI environment and survey on 30 students of Biology Department, UKI, academic year 2014-2015. 35 plant species were captured in 2-3 pieces of photo (habitus, flower, and fruit) for each species. Local names, latin names, and family names of each species were prepared. Origin and ethnic of each student was listed to fulfill student data. Data analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics. Research found that students were aware of local names, species scientific names, and families names, respectively 67%, 24%, and 19%.


Green campus; Indonesia Christian University; Keanekaragaman tumbuhan; Pengetahuan mahasiswa; Plants diversity; Student knowledge; Universitas Kristen Indonesia

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