Uji Potensi Kurkumin Terhadap Perbaikan Disfungsi Testis Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Jantan Setelah Paparan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Mimba

Agung Janika Sitasiwi, Tyas Rini Saraswati, Silvana Tana, Sri Isdadiyanto, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati



Mimba merupakan tanaman yang terbukti memiliki efek antifertlitas. Efek senyawa antifertilitas dapat menyebabkan disfungsi organ reproduksi yang menyebabkan perubahan ukuran organ atau gangguan sintesis hormonal. Kurkumin merupakan sediaan yang dapat meningkatkan sintesis hormon testoteron pada tikus, tetapi belum digunakan untuk meningkatkan potensi reproduksi pada hewan yang telah terpapar senyawa antifertilitas. Penelitian ini menguji potensi kurkumin dalam memperbaiki disfungsi testis yang disebabkan oleh paparan ekstrak etanol daun mimba. Tikus Wistar (R. norvegicus) jantan dewasa digunakan sebagai hewan uji, dikelompokkan menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu P0 (kontrol, hewan uji diberi akuades), P1, P2, dan P3 (kelompok perlakuan, diberi sediaan ekstrak etanol daun mimba masing-masing dengan dosis 60, 80, dan 100 mg/kgBB/hari). Pemberian bahan uji dilakukan secara oral selama 14 hari, dilanjutkan dengan pemberian kurkumin dengan dosis 1,35 mg/200gBB/hari selama 14 hari. Pengambilan sampel testis dan darah untuk pengukuran testoteron dilakukan setelah paparan bahan uji 1 selesai (hari ke-15) dan setelah paparan bahan uji 2 (hari ke-29). Variabel penelitian adalah indeks gonadosomatik, volume testis dan kadar testoteron. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurkumin mampu meningkatkan kandungan hormon testoteron serta meningkatkan indeks gonadosomatik hewan uji sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kurkumin berpotensi memperbaiki disfungsi testis akibat paparan senyawa antifertilitas.


Neem is a plant that has been proven to have antifertility effects. The effects of antifertility compounds can cause reproductive organ dysfunction which causes changes in organ size or disruption of hormonal synthesis. Curcumin is a preparation that can increase testosterone hormone synthesis in mice, but has not been used to increase reproductive potential in animals that have been exposed to antifertility compounds. This research was conducted to test the potential of curcumin in improving testicular dysfunction caused by exposure to ethanol extract of neem leaves. Adult male Wistar rats (R. norvegicus) were used as test animals, identified into four groups, namely P0 (control, test animals given distilled water), P1, P2, and P3 (treatment groups, given ethanol extract of neem leaves each with doses of 60, 80, and 100 mg/kgBW/day). The test material was administered orally for 14 days, followed by administration of curcumin at a dose of 1.35 mg/200gBW/day for 14 days. Testicular and blood samples were taken for testosterone measurement after exposure to test substance 1 was completed (day 15) and after exposure to test substance 2 (day 29). The research variables were gonadosomatic index, testicular volume and testosterone levels. The results of the study showed that curcumin was able to increase testosterone hormone content and increase the gonadosomatic index of test animals, so it can be concluded that curcumin has the potential to recover testicular dysfunction due to exposure to antifertility compounds.


Disfungsi testis; Indeks gonadosomatik; Mimba; Gonadosomatic index; Neem; Testicular disfunction

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