Keragaman Kultivar Lokal Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) di Kabupaten Kutai Timur-Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia

Maysavitrie Citra Wijayanti Kristianto, Medi Hendra, Linda Oktavianingsih



Ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan yang memiliki banyak manfaat di beberapa daerah di Indonesia termasuk di Kabupaten Kutai Timur. Informasi tentang keragaman morfologi kultivar lokal ubi jalar diperlukan untuk pemuliaan tanaman ke depannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada Maret-Juli 2021 untuk mengetahui keragaman dan hubungan kekerabatan kultivar lokal ubi jalar berdasarkan karakter morfologi. Kultivar lokal ubi jalar diambil secara purposive sampling melalui metode jelajah di 11 kecamatan, Kabupaten Kutai Timur. Karakterisasi morfologi menggunakan 32 karakter berdasarkan panduan International Board for Plant Genetic Resource (IBPGR). Analisis klaster untuk melihat hubungan kekerabatan antar kultivar menggunakan software MVSP versi 3.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat keragaman kultivar lokal ubi jalar yang ada di Kutai Timur berdasarkan karakter daun (bentuk, tipe cuping), umbi (bentuk, warna daging), bunga (bentuk dan warna). Hasil analisis klaster membentuk dua kelompok besar dari 23 aksesi kultivar lokal ubi jalar yang ditemukan dengan koefisien 9,671. Kelompok A dengan satu anggota, yaitu kultivar lokal 9 (Gei Meng Hom) yang terpisah dari kultivar lokal lainnya berdasarkan karakter umbi. Kultivar ini dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat asli Kalimantan (suku Dayak Wehea). Kelompok B terdiri dari 22 aksesi kultivar lokal yang dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan karakter daun.


Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is a food crop that has many benefits in several regions in Indonesia, including East Kutai Regency. Information about the morphological diversity of local sweet potato cultivars is needed for future plant breeding. The research was conducted from March-July 2021 with the aim of determining the diversity and relationships of local sweet potato cultivars based on morphological characters. The collection of local sweet potato cultivars was carried out using purposive sampling using the roaming method in 11 sub-districts, East Kutai Regency. Morphological characterization uses 32 characters based on the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) guidelines. Cluster analysis to see the kinship relationships formed between local sweet potato cultivars using MVSP software version 3.1. The results of the research show the diversity of local sweet potato cultivars in East Kutai based on leaf characters (shape, lobe type), tubers (shape, flesh color), flowers (shape and color), as well as forming two large groups based on the results of cluster analysis on 23 accessions which was found with a coefficient of 9.671. Group A with one member, namely local cultivar 9 (Gei Meng Hom) which is separated from other local cultivars based on tuber characteristics and is a local cultivar of sweet potato cultivated by the indigenous people of Kalimantan (Wehea Dayak tribe). Group B consists of 22 local cultivar accessions resulting from community cultivation which can be grouped based on leaf characteristics.



Karakter morfologi; Keragaman; Kultivar lokal; Kutai Timur; Ubi jalar; East Kutai; Local cultivar; Morphological character; Sweet potato; Variability

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