Keragaman Serbuk Sari Pada Tumbuhan Legum di Kampus IPB, Dramaga, Bogor

Tiarana Brilyanita, Nunik Sri Ariyanti, Nina Ratna Djuita



Morfologi serbuk sari dapat dipakai untuk identifikasi tumbuhan, sumber bukti taksonomi, dan diterapkan dalam banyak disiplin ilmu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan ciri morfologi serbuk sari yang berasal dari tumbuhan legum. Sampel serbuk sari diperoleh dari bunga yang dikoleksi di area kampus. Koleksi bunga dilakukan dengan metode jelajah di kawasan kampus IPB, Dramaga. Sampel serbuk sari yang akan diamati dibuat dengan metode asetolisis. Pengukuran morfologi polen dihitung berdasarkan sumbu polar dan ekuatorial dalam skala mikrometer. Ciri morfologi serbuk sari yang diteliti meliputi bentuk, unit serbuk sari, tipe aperture, ukuran, indeks P/E, dan ornamentasi eksin. Serbuk sari diamati dengan mikroskop majemuk Olympus (CX-33) yang dilengkapi kamera indomikro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk serbuk sari pada legum ada dua macam yaitu circular dan circular oval. Ukuran serbuk sari beragam dari sangat kecil sampai sangat besar. Serbuk sari memiliki indeks P/E > 1,00. Tipe aperture meliputi monoporate, triporate, tetraporate, tricolpate, dan tricolporate. Ornamentasi eksin yang dijumpai berupa scabrate, reticulate, dan psilate. Serbuk sari yang diamati pada penelitian ini menggambarkan morfologi yang khas sehingga dapat dijadikan karakter tambahan dalam mengidentifikasi tumbuhan legum.


Pollen morphology can be usefull for plant identification, sources of taxonomic evidence, and apply in many disciplines. This study aimed to describe the morphological characteristics of pollen from legume plants. Pollen samples were obtained from flowers collected in the campus area. The collection of flowers was carried out using the roaming method in the area of the IPB campus, Dramaga. The pollen sample to be observed was made by the acetolysis method. Pollen morphology measurements were calculated based on the polar and equatorial axes on the micrometer scale. The morphological characteristics of the pollen studied included pollen shape, pollen unit, aperture type, size, P/E index, and exine ornamentation. Pollen grains were observed with an Olympus compound microscope (CX-33) equipped with an indomicro camera. The results showed that there are two forms of pollen grains, namely circular and circular oval. Pollen sizes vary from very small to very large. Pollen has a P/E index > 1.00. The aperture types include monoporate, triporate, tetraporate, tricolpate, and tricolporate. The exine ornamentation found is scabrate, reticulate, and psilate. The pollen observed in this study shows a distinctive morphology so that it can be used as an additional character in identifying legume plant


Asetolisis; Bentuk serbuk sari; Legum; Ukuran serbuk sari; Acetolysis; Aperture; Legume; Pollen form; Pollen size

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