Perbedaan Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Araknida Antar Zonasi Gua di Kawasan Karst Tasikmalaya

Isma Dwi Kurniawan, Ida Kinasih, Tri Cahyanto, Hilda Ayu Emalia, Nida Hidayaturrohmah



Araknida merupakan kelompok fauna yang umum dijumpai di gua dan berperan penting menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem gua. Kelompok fauna ini dapat ditemukan di seluruh zona gua baik terang, remang, maupun gelap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan araknida berdasarkan zonasi gua. Pengambilan data dilakukan di 3 gua yang terletak di kawasan Karst Tasikmalaya, yaitu Gua Sarongge, Liang Boeh, dan Liang Seungit. Pencuplikan araknida dilakukan dengan teknik hand collecting, sedangkan penghitungan individu dengan direct counting. Selain itu, dilakukan pengukuran parameter abiotik yang terdiri dari suhu udara, suhu tanah, kelembapan udara, kelembapan tanah, dan intensitas cahaya. Data dianalisis dengan uji indeks similaritas Jaccard, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis, dan Canonical correlation analysis. Terdapat 311 individu araknida tergolong dalam 3 ordo dan 7 morfospesies yang berhasil dikoleksi. Mayoritas araknida tergolong kategori adaptasi troglofil. Terdapat kemiripan komposisi spesies yang tinggi antara zona remang dan gelap (indeks similaritas 0,833) dibandingkan kemiripan keduanya dengan zona terang (0,571 dan 0,429). Kelimpahan individu araknida antar zona tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Mayoritas spesies memiliki preferensi habitat dengan kondisi intensitas cahaya rendah dan kelembapan tinggi.


Arachnid is one of the cave-adapted fauna with diverse cave representatives and plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance. This group is widely distributed in all cave zonation, namely entrance, twilight, and dark zones. This study aimed to reveal the difference in diversity and abundance of arachnids in different caves zonation. The study was carried out in three caves situated in Tasikmalaya karst region, namely Sarongge, Liang Boeh, and Seungit. Arachnids were sampled through hand collecting, while abundance was estimated through direct counting. Air and soil temperatures, relative humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity were also measured. Data were analysed through Jaccard’s similarity index, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis, and CCA. In total, 311 individuals belonged to 3 orders and 7 morphospecies were identified. Most observed morphospecies were categorized as troglophiles. There was a great degree of similarity in species composition between twilight and dark zones (similarity 0.833) compared to entrance zone (0.571 and 0.429, respectively). Meanwhile, abundance was relatively similar. Most species prefer habitats with low light intensity but high humidity. 


Araknida; Ekosistem gua; Keanekaragaman; Kelimpahan; Abundance; Arachnids; Cave ecosystem; Diversity

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