Potential of Cibodas Botanical Garden Fern and Lycophytes Collection as the Source of Medicine

Muhamad Nikmatullah, Elga Rwnjana, Muhamad Muhaimin, Mulyati Rahayu



Kebun Raya Cibodas (KRC) merupakan kawasan konservasi tumbuhan secara ex-situ yang berfokus untuk mengkonservasi tumbuhan dataran tinggi basah, mencakup tumbuhan langka dan tumbuhan bermanfaat.  Salah satu koleksi penting KRC adalah koleksi tumbuhan paku yang telah diketahui memiliki beragam manfaat, seperti sumber obat. Akan tetapi, potensinya sebagai sumber obat belum pernah dikaji lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan inventarisasi dan analisis terhadap koleksi tumbuhan paku KRC yang bernilai obat berdasarkan kajian literatur yang terkait dengan etnomedisin. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, sebanyak 38 jenis dari 29 marga dan 22 suku dari koleksi tumbuhan paku KRC telah diketahui manfaatnya sebagai obat. Suku Athyriaceae memiliki perwakilan jenis paling banyak yang memiliki khasiat obat, yaitu lima jenis. Terdapat 20 jenis koleksi tumbuhan paku KRC paling umum digunakan sebagai obat penutup luka dan penyakit akibat infeksi parasit. Daun dari 18 jenis merupakan bagian yang paling sering digunakan untuk pengobatan. Koleksi tumbuhan paku KRC berpotensi besar untuk dikembangkan sebagai sumber obat di masa mendatang. Berbagai upaya perlu dilakukan untuk mengembangkan potensi tersebut, antara lain perbanyakan koleksi dan uji aktivitas farmakologi senyawa aktif.


Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) is an ex-situ plant conservation area that focuses on the conservation of mountain wet plants, including rare and useful plants. One of the important collections of CBG is ferns and lycophytes which have various benefits, such as a medicinal source. However, its potential as a medicinal source has not been studied further. This study aims to conduct an inventory and analysis of CBG’s ferns and lycophytes collection that have medicinal potential based on literature related to ethnomedicin. The results showed that CBG has 38 species, 29 genera, and 22 families of ferns and lycophytes collection that have known as medicine. The Athyriaceae group has the most representative species of medicinal properties, which are about five species. There are 20 species of CBG’s ferns and lycophytes collection were most commonly found as medicine for wounds and infectious diseases. The leaves from 18 species of ferns and lycophytes collection are most frequently used for disease medication. The CBG’s ferns and lycophytes collection has great potential to be developed as medicinal sources in the future. Various efforts are needed to develop the potential of ferns and lycophytes collection, such as increasing collections and studying the pharmacological activity of their active compounds.


Etnomedisin; Kebun Raya Cibodas (KRC); Sumber obat; Tumbuhan paku; Cibodas Botanical Garden; Ethnomedicine; Ferns and Lycophytes; Source of medicine

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