Isna Rasdianah Aziz, Cut Muthiadin, Hafsan Hafsan



Dalam dunia industri, baik industri sandang, pangan, papan, transportasi, medis maupun rekreasi tidak terlepas dari penggunaan kantong plastik. Karena bersifat praktis, berbagai jenis kantong plastik sebagai kemasan selalu menjadi pilihan dalam aktivitas masyarakat. Akan tetapi, sifat plastik yang sulit terdegradasi pada lingkungan alami menimbulkan permasalahan sebagai salah satu sumber pencemaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi mikroorganisme tanah yang diisolasi dari sampah Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Antang Makassar dalam mendegradasi kantong plastik LDPE hitam dan putih. Metode biodegradasi plastik yang digunakan adalah kolom Winogradsky dengan menggunakan kolom kaca 1.000 mL yang berisi 500 gram tanah sampah TPA Antang dan plastik uji LDPE warna hitam dan putih. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran persentase degradasi selama 3 bulan masa inkubasi dengan waktu panen selama 3 minggu sekali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 6 isolat dalam kolom Winogradsky mampu mendegradasi plastik LDPE hitam sebesar 3,5% dan 6 isolat lainnya mampu mendegradasi plastik LDPE putih sebesar 2%. Selanjutnya, isolat ini dapat digunakan sebagai agen biodegradasi plastik di TPA Antang Makassar.


The use of plastic bags is almost unavoidable in industries, including the food, clothing, transportation, construction, medical, and recreational industries. Various types of plastic bags have been used in various types of packaging, because of the value of practicality. However, the difficulties in the degradation process become a problem as a pollution source in the environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of soil microbes isolated in Antang landfill, Makassar, in degrading black and white plastics of LDPE. The biodegradation method used was the Winogradsky column using a 1,000 mL glass column containing 500 grams of Antang landfill soil and using black and white LDPE as well. The percentage of degradation was measured for three months incubation period with harvest time for three weeks. The results showed that the inoculum in Winogradsky column was able to degrade the black plastic by 3.5% and the white plastic by 2%. The results of macroscopic and microscopic characterization showed that six isolates were degrading the black plastic and six isolates were degrading the white plastic, with different characteristics. Furthermore, this isolate can be utilized as a biodegradation agent for plastic in the Antang landfill.


Biodegradasi; Plastik; Sampah; TPA Antang; Winogradsky; Antang landfill; Biodegradation; Garbage; Plastic

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