Journal of Religion and Public Health is a peer reviewed journal that established in 2019 by Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Science, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia. The Journal publishes twice a year on April and September. The journal welcomes scholars and professionals to submit original articles, short communications and letters to the editor. This journal is aimed in contributing to knowledge about the relationships between religious factors and health on both a theoretical and practical level that could be a scientific evidence for scholars and professionals in advancing public health practice with individuals and groups. This journal in partnership with Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat (IAKMI) DKI Jakarta [Click Here to Download MoU] and in partnership with Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat (IAKMI) Tangerang Selatan [Click Here to Download MoU].
This journal presents papers that investigating in multidimensional approach by using diverse theoretical, conceptual, methodological and analytical in understanding the nature of religious effects on public health practices and outcomes. Journal of Religion and Public Health explores religion beliefs, values, practices, rituals and religious organization effects in various public health scope, including, but not limited to, epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases, health education and promotion, health policy and administration, environmental health, public health nutrition, sexual and reproductive health and occupational health and safety.
P-ISSN: 2714-6057
E-ISSN: 2721-9852
Author Guideline is available for download here
JRPH TEMPLATE is available for download here
Article Sample is available for download here
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Call for Paper |
Journal of Religion and Public Health welcomes article submissions and does not charge a publication fee. Click this link for more info about instruction for authors and manuscript template. Please fill authors' declaration form and submit the form as additional file in the submission. Download the form from by clicking this link Authors' declaration form |
Posted: 2019-07-10 | |
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Vol 6, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Rahmi Nurmadinisia
Kolawole Sodeinde, Adebayo Akadri, Akinmade Adepoju, Temitayo Oluwole, Olabisi Bamidele, Olumide Abiodun
Zulmeliza Rasyid, Nurvi Susanti
Tiara Amanda Pratiwi, Catur Rosidati
Indri Nurfajriah, Dela Aristi
Nadiatus Syifa, Dela Aristi