
[Information]: JPA terakreditasi SINTA 4

Alhamdulillah, penantian yang cukup panjang, sejak pengajuan akreditasi tahun 2022, dan baru ada hasil akhir pada 21 Maret 2025 dengan SK 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025.
Posted: 2025-03-21

[Call For Paper]: Vol 12 No 1, Maret (2025)

Dear, authors of scientific articles

Journal of Religion Extension is currently accepting article manuscripts for the issue Vol. 12 No. 1, March 2025.

Please submit your manuscript according to the terms and conditions (guidelines/template) of the author. Manuscript submission can click this link.

Notes. Call for paper is open all the time so that if the number of manuscripts for the nearest issue has been fulfilled, the incoming manuscripts will then be processed for the next issue.

Thank you

Posted: 2024-12-10

[Call For Paper]: Vol 11 No 2, Sept (2024)

Dear, authors of scientific articles

Journal of Religion Extension is currently accepting article manuscripts for the issue Vol. 11 No. 2, Sept 2024.

Please submit your manuscript according to the terms and conditions (guidelines/template) of the author. Manuscript submission can click this link.

Notes. Call for paper is open all the time so that if the number of manuscripts for the nearest issue has been fulfilled, the incoming manuscripts will then be processed for the next issue.

Thank you

Posted: 2024-05-20

[Information]: Publishing Vol 10 No 1, 2023

Dear, JPA authors (cand), both those who have submitted and those who have not submitted

We need to inform you that the publication of JPA, both print and online, is currently (as of March 9, 2023) in the process of selecting and determining manuscripts that are eligible for publication after passing the reviewer process.

Please check your email and/or OJS account to immediately correct the manuscript that has been given notes by the reviewer and resubmit via OJS so that the manuscript can be published in the nearest issue.

Thank you

Posted: 2023-03-09

[Call For Paper]: Vol 10 No 1, March (2023)


Dear, authors of scientific articles

Journal of Religion Extension is currently accepting article manuscripts for the issue Vol. 10 No. 1, March 2023.

Please submit your manuscript according to the terms and conditions (guidelines/template) of the author. Manuscript submission can click this link.

Notes. Call for paper is open all the time so that if the number of manuscripts for the nearest issue has been fulfilled, the incoming manuscripts will then be processed for the next issue.

Thank you

Posted: 2022-10-13

[Information]: JPA's P-ISSN & E-ISSN Publishing

The Journal of Religion Extension has obtained P-ISSN and E-ISSN with the number of the Issuance Decree from PDDI LIPI (today BRIN): 0005.28280121/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.02 and 0005.2828013X/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.02 starting February 9, 2022 starting the edition of Volume 9, Number 1 March 2022 because it continues the volume of the previous journal publication (SULUH: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam) which has been rebranded as The Journal of Religion Extension.

Thank you

Posted: 2022-02-09

[Information]: Bestary Partner & JPA Manager Announcement

The following is the announcement of bestary partners and JPA managers who have been selected. Please click (more) to see this information in its entirety.

Thank you

Posted: 2022-01-28

[Information]: Journal Name Change: JS to JPA

Based on the meeting agreement between the study program manager and the journal manager, it was decided that the name SULUH: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam starting with the issue of Volume 9 Number 1, Year 2022 changed its name to Jurnal Penyuluhan Agama. This name change is a basic effort towards journal accreditation, in addition to other administrative system improvements led by Rini Laili Prihatini as editor in chief and Muhtar Mochamad Solihin as managing editor.

Posted: 2022-01-01
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