The Contributions and The Roles of Muslim Tourists to The Development of Halal Tourism in Lombok, Indonesia

Atmo Prawiro


Abstract. This study investigated Muslim tourist role and contribution in halal tourism development in Lombok. A literature review and semi-structured interviews were conducted to compile theoretical data and tourist responses. Anthropological studies were also done to enrich data and information from official sources. The findings indicated that Muslim tourists in Lombok contribute significantly to economic growth by their expenses in the tourism sector. They visited and purchased local products. Moreover, some facilitation meet the Muslim tourists need, such as Muslim-friendly hotels, halal restaurants and shopping centers that provide halal products. However, Muslim tourists in Lombok are not much different from tourists in general. Their role and contribution are still limited towards the development of halal tourism in Lombok. This data from the Ministry of Tourism of West Nusa Tenggara showed that halal tourism still needs to be improved for sustainability in Lombok to face a world-class halal tourism scale.


Abstrak. Penelitian ini menyelidiki peran dan kontribusi wisatawan Muslim dalam pengembangan pariwisata halal di Lombok. Tinjauan literatur dan wawancara semi-terstruktur dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data teoritis dan tanggapan wisatawan. Kajian antropologi juga dilakukan untuk memperkaya data dan informasi dari sumber resmi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa wisatawan Muslim di Lombok berkontribusi signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui pengeluaran mereka di sektor pariwisata. Mereka berkunjung dan membeli produk lokal. Selain itu, beberapa fasilitasi juga tersedia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan muslim, seperti hotel ramah muslim, restoran halal, dan pusat perbelanjaan yang menyediakan produk halal. Meski demikian, wisatawan muslim di Lombok tidak jauh berbeda dengan wisatawan pada umumnya. Peran dan kontribusi mereka masih terbatas terhadap pengembangan wisata halal di
Lombok. Data Kementerian Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara Barat ini menunjukkan bahwa wisata halal masih perlu ditingkatkan demi keberlangsungan kota Lombok dalam menghadapi wisata halal berskala kelas dunia.


Development; Halal tourism; Muslim tourists; Halal food


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DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v15i2.30738


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