Pengembangan Silabus Bahasa
of course, should consist of the approach to apply, materials to teach, the techniques to implement, learning resources to use, and the methods of evaluation to apply. Therefore,
it should be developed as completely as possible to provide the teacher with good teaching guidance. Developing a language syllabus involves three main stages: preparation, data collection and analysis, and finishing. Preparation refers to the understanding of philosophical and social factors. Data collection and analysis refers to the activities of designing an instrument and analyzing the collected data using the principles and theories adopted. Finishing refers to the establishment of the syllabus as stipulated by the intended language program.
Theodore S. Rodgers, "Syllabus Design, Curriculum Development, and Policy Determination, "The Second Language Curriculum, ed. Robert Keith Johnson, Cambridge:
CUP, 1989.
D.A. Wilkins, Notional Syllabuses, London: Oxford University Press, 1976.
Janice Yalden, The Communicative Syllabus: Evolution, Design, dan Implementation, Oxford: Pergamon Oress Lid, 1983.
david Nunan, Syllabus Design, Oxford; Oxford University Press, 1988.
Jack C. Richards and Theodors S. Rogers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge; CUP, 1986.
FRaida Dubin and Elite Olshtain, Course Design, Cambridge; CUP, 1986.
Keith Johnson, An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2001.
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of english Lang, 3 rd ed. Harlow, Essex; Pearson Education Limited, 2003.
D.A. Wilkins "Gramatical, Situational and Notional Syllabuses", The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching, ed. C. J.
Brumfit dan K.Johnson. Oxford; Oxford University Press, 1979.
Suzanne Salimbere, " From Struc-turally Based to Functionally Based Approaches to Language Teaching " A Forum Anthology, Ed.
Anne Covel New York: English Language Programs Division USIA, 1988.
Mary Finocchiaro, "The Functional- Notional Syllabus: Promise, Problems, Practices,"A Forum Anthology, ed. Anne Covell Newton,
New York; English Language Programs Division USIA, 1988.
J.P. B Allen, Functional-Analytic Course Design and Variable Focus Curriculum, "The Practice of Communicative Teaching'. ed.
Christoper Brumfit, Oxford: Pegamon Press, 1986.
M. H. Long " A role for instruction in second language acquistion " MOdelling and Assessing Second Language Acquistion, Hyltenstam,
K dan M.Pienemann, ed., clevedon; Multilingual Matters, 1985
J. Richards T Platt dan H. weber, a Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, London: Longman, 1985.
DOI: 10.15408/bat.v11i2.6778
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