Redesigning UI/UX of A Mobile Application Using Task Centered System Design Approach
Digital transformation requires a software system development method to identify and analyze user needs. In this research, software system development uses the Task Centered System Design framework with several stages, including identification, needs analysis, design, and evaluation. The identification stage is carried out by conducting interviews with stakeholders, and then the results of the interviews are analyzed and approved by stakeholders. This study aims to obtain user needs to build an application interface by applying the steps of the Task Centered System Design method and usability evaluation and calculating the weight of the feasibility value by testing the Heuristics method and System Usability Scale on the solution application design. The evaluation phase aims to determine the value of the usability problem in the design that has been designed. The evaluation phase uses the Usability Heuristic method by involving experts in the field of software development and the System Usability Scale method involving end users. After conducting research from the identification to the evaluation stage, the average severity rating of the Heuristic Usability test component scored less than 1 (one) in the second iteration, and the System Usability Scale results scored 70.3 for admin and 73.75 for the customer application. This result is in grade C with an adjective rating of Good.
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