Implementation of Community of Common Destiny Policy through One Belt One Road Strategy as China's Defense Effort

Ida Susilowati, Mustika Cahyani, Syarifatunnisa Qothrunnada Salsabila


China is one of the countries that adheres to communist ideology just like the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The failure of the Soviet Union became a lesson for China to re-organize its national defense policies and strategies. This research aims to find out China's strategy in maintaining the sovereignty of its country, so that it does not experience political degradation like the Soviet Union through the Community of Common Destiny policy. This research applies qualitative research methods with literature study data analysis techniques. The Chinese foreign policy approach is used to analyze China's strategy in maintaining its sovereignty. The results show that one of China's strategies to maintain its sovereignty is by implementing the Community of Common Destiny policy which is manifested through the One Belt and One Road concept which is a policy to carry out state development with other developing countries, in the face of capitalist economic globalization through defense lines on land and sea (maritime).


China's Defence Strategy, National Defence, Community of Common Destiny, One Belt One Road Policy


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DOI: Abstract - 0


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