Konsep Ijtihad Imam Asy-Syaukani

Muhammad Taufiki, Gilang Rizki Aji Putra


The dynamics of Islamic law or fiqh means that Islamic law is always actual and able to answer all legal problems that arise in society as a result of the development and progress of civilization, society, and culture. The ability to answer all these questions is impossible if Ijtihad is a pillar of the progress of Islamic law that keeps it in tune with the times and as a closed or constrained thinking methodology by relying only on limited syarak texts and the legacy of previous scholars. This is in the form of interpretations of texts that produce legal formulations that are closely related to the situation and conditions at the time the formulation of the law was made. Therefore, there needs to be a legal breakthrough by bringing up the concept of ijtihad.


Ijtihad; Imam Asy-Syaukani

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15408/adalah.v6i1.26568 Abstract - 0 PDF - 0


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