Adakah Peluang Bisnis di Tengah Kelesuan Perekonomian Akibat Pandemi Corona?

Siti Ngainnur Rohmah



The corona pandemic has paralyzed the joints of the economy. Many state-owned companies suffered losses. The private business sector has gradually collapsed. The community screamed because many could not work for a living, while the necessities of life remained demanding. This paper describes how to look for the right business opportunity in the midst of the Large-Scale Social Limitation (PSBB) which aims to break the chain of the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Keywords: Business, Opportunities, Covid-19



Pandemi corona telah melumpuhkan sendi-sendi perekonomian. Perusahaan Negara banyak yang mengalami kerugian. Sektor usaha swasta pun berangsur runtuh. Masyarakat menjerit karena banyak yang tidak bisa bekerja mencari nafkah, sementara itu kebutuhan hidup tetap menuntut. Tulisan ini memaparkan bagaimana mencari peluang usaha yang tepat di tengah kondisi Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) yang bertujuan untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus COVID-19.

Kata Kunci: Bisnis, Peluang, Covid-19

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DOI: Abstract - 0 PDF - 0


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