Desain E-Commerce Mall atau Plaza

Nurbojatmiko Nurbojatmiko


Development expenditure centers like malls or plazas in Jakarta average occupancy level shopping mall in Jakarta currently is on shopping centers strata title (individual ownership) 70.07%  while the centers of higher rental expense that is 89.80%. The abundance of shopping centers showed improved its economy in Jakarta as Indonesia's benchmark economy. Along with the rent to own stores or become expensive as the initial investment. The severity of economic competition in meeting the needs of life. Merchant middle class down to rent the store to be very damning. Then arise in clusters cadger calling certain public places trades. And general trading location on the fringes of a particular street or in the alley between the buildings. Mall or plaza is open from 11.00 am to 21.00 on weekdays and public holidays when the days close to 23.00 . In the hours that they should call merchandise well with the infinite. Plaza Mall or above grade part, filled supplier generally been limited company (PT) usually already have their own website . But middle-class mall below or modern markets generally and the average CV does not have its own website. With limited time and place that is e -commerce mall or plaza could be one solution for street vendors or shops at the mall or plaza manage on my own without being tied to trade time and space.

Keywords: e-commerce, street vendors, shop online, online mall, plaza online, online mall information systems, cyber trade

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