The Determinant of Participation in The Social Activities: Case in Indonesia

Bayu Kharisma


One of the most issues debated in the social capital literature is the unconditional cash transfer effect on social capital, especially regarding the potential of unmeasured targeted mechanisms at the community level about social relations. This article aims to identify the determinant of social capital in the form of household participation in social activities and the impact of unconditional cash transfers (BLT) on participation in social activities in Indonesia by using differences-differences approach (DID). The results showed that the most influential factor on household participation in social activities is the education level of the head of the household and the members of the productive age group. Meanwhile, unconditional cash transfers policy has a positive effect on the rotating saving and credit association. Thus, participation in social activities undertaken by the community undoubtedly has an important element in the success of government programs.

DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v7i2.7365


social capital; unconditional cash transfer; differences-in-differences analysis


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DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v7i2.7365


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