This study aimed to examine the understanding of English Education Department student-teachers on the use of differentiated instruction (DI) in the classroom. There were 80 student-teachers, 20 (25%) male and 60 (75%) female. The data were collected primarily through a 31-item questionnaire with four scales ranging from "not important" to "very important." The questionnaire responses were analyzed to determine the amount of DI awareness and importance. The data underwent descriptive analysis (statistical analysis) by comparing the mean score (M) and standard deviation (SD) of each item for the level of awareness and by calculating percentages for the level of importance. The results indicated that the student-teachers awareness of DI implementation ranges from "high" with the lowest score of 2.06 (2.06>2.01-3.00) to "very high" with the highest score of 3.71 (3.71>3.01-4.00). Consequently, the level of importance concurred with or supported the awareness result that the participants regarded DI to be important, ranging from "somewhat important" (49.40%) to "very important" (88.39%). These findings suggest good implications for the pedagogical element of student-teacher knowledge of DI implementation in the classroom.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi kesadaran mahasiswa PLP Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tentang penerapan pembelajaran berdifferensiasi (DI) di kelas. Ada 80 mahasiswa PLP, 20 (25%) laki-laki dan 60 (75%) perempuan. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dengan empat skala mulai dari "not implotant" hingga "strongly important" yang berjumlah 31 item. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif analisis (analisis statistik) dengan membandingkan nilai rata-rata (M) dan standar deviasi (SD) masing-masing item untuk tingkat kesadaran dan dengan menghitung persentase untuk tingkat kepentingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran mahasiswa PLP terhadap penerapan DI berkisar antara "tinggi" dengan skor terendah 2,06 (2,06>2,01-3,00) hingga "sangat tinggi" dengan skor tertinggi 3,71 (3,71>3,01-4,00). Hasil tersebut sejalan dengan hasil tingkat kepentingan bahwa peserta menganggap DI penting, mulai dari "agak penting" (49,40%) hingga "sangat penting" (88,39%). Temuan ini menunjukkan implikasi yang baik untuk elemen pedagogis pengetahuan mahasiswa PLP implementasi DI di kelas.
How to Cite: Rahmani, Eka F., Riyanti, D. (2022). English Student-Teacher Awareness of Differentiated Instruction (DI) Implementation in Classroom. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9(2), 192-210. doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i2.28505
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