Position and Prejudice: Exploring the Stereotypical Transformation of Female Identity at Workplace

Muhammad Nawaz Baloch, Asif Hussain Samo, Azeem Akhtar Bhatti, Moomal Baig Bhughio, Sheza Zeb


Gender-based stereotypes have hampered gender equality in the workplace opportunities, and females face identity crises and labeling by their coworkers, which mitigates their chances to climb on the ladder of Leadership. This study strived to explore female coworkers' perceived identity and the transformation in that perception when those females become leaders and the role of stereotypical thinking in it. With the qualitative approach, this study used case study methods. This research collects the data through nineteen in-depth interviews from private companies, and a framework developed using thematic analysis. The results revealed that employees positively perceive their female coworkers, but they are perceived with stereotypes and negativity when they become their leaders. Organizations need to initiate grooming programs when they promote females for harmony and a productive environment.

JEL Classification: M10, M54

How to Cite:

Baloch, M. N., Samo, A. H., Bhatti, A. A., Bhughio, M. B., & Zeb, S. (2021). Position and Prejudice: Exploring the Stereotypical Transformation of Female Identity at Workplace. Etikonomi, 20(1), 137 – 152. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v20i1.15275.


Women Leadership; Female Identity; Stereotypes; Workplace


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