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Author Guidelines

Since 2022, editors re-arrange the template of the manuscript. Authors of The Avicenna Medical Journal should to submit the cover letter and the manuscript itself.


Cover Letter

The author can download the cover letter template here.



The Avicenna Medical Journal, publishing three forms of manuscript, which has specific template. There are:

1. Original Article, template here

2. Review Article, template here

3. Case Report Article, template here


Here the general instruction:


The abstract should be formally structured and prepared in English with a maximum of 250 words for biomedical, clinical, and community research articles and systematic review or meta analysis; for case reports, brief communications, and narrative reviews, the abstract should not be structured formally and should not exceed a maximum of 150 words. Abstracts should be concise and precise with enough information, highlighting the points and importance of the article. It should contain: background and purpose of the study; methods (basic procedures, study subject selection, observational or analytical methods); main findings or results; and principal conclusion.

Keywords (are limited to 3 - 6 words or short phrases that will allow proper and convenient indexing. They should be obtained from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) thesaurus produced by National Library of Medicine.)



In Introduction, Authors should state the objectives of the work at the end of introduction section. Before the objective, Authors should provide an adequate background, and very short literature survey in order to record the existing solutions/method, to show which is the best of previous researches, to show the main limitation of the previous researches, to show what do you hope to achieve (to solve the limitation), and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper. Avoid a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Give in the end of Introduction.



Methods should provide clarity about how, why, and when the study was done. The methods section should include the statement of approval by local, regional, or national review board. It should also clearly describe the selection of the study's participants. Materials and equipment used should be identified in methods section by specifically giving the manufacturer's name and address in parentheses. References to all established methods must be given. All statistical methods used should be described in detail in the methods section of the manuscript. Relying solely on statistical hypothesis testing, such as p values should be avoided; instead, important information about effect size and precision of estimates should be provided. Statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols should be defined. Computer software and version used should be specified.



All submitted papers containing animal experiments and/or involving human subjects should have obtained approval from an independent ethics committee. The author must include the number of the ethical approval letters in the manuscript. The copy of approval should be provided to the editorial office by email or submitted via Open Journal System (OJS).



In the results section, data should be presented in a concise and precise way, either in figures or tables, but not the same finding in a figure and a table. Unnecessary figures and tables, as well as footnotes should be avoided and their contents incorporated into the text.



Use only standard abbreviations; use of nonstandard abbreviations can be confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript. When first mentioned, all abbreviations must be spelled out followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis, unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement. Abbreviations must be spelled out when first mentioned in the abstract and main text. If a sentence begins with a number, it should be spelled out except in abstract.


Table and Figures

Total of tables and figures are advisable not to exceed 6 in number. Tables and its title should be presented in separate sheets. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals with brief captions clearly indicating the purpose or content of each table. Provide a footnote to each table, identifying in alphabetical order all abbreviations used. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each. Do not use internal horizontal or vertical lines. Give each column a short or an abbreviated heading. Explain all nonstandard abbreviations and explanatory matters in footnotes, and for explanatory matters use the following symbols, in sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡, §§, ¶¶, etc. Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. Be sure that each table is cited in the text. If you use data from another published source, obtain permission and fully acknowledge that source.


Figures should be either professionally drawn or photographed, and submitted in a format (JPEG or TIFF) in the following resolutions [gray-scale or color in RGB (red, green, blue mode) at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). For x-ray films, scans, and other diagnostic images, as well as pictures of pathology specimens or photomicrographs, send sharp, glossy, black-and-white or color photographic prints, usually 127 x 173 mm (5 x 7 inches). Write the word “top” on the back of each figure at the appropriate place. Figures should be made as self-explanatory as possible; titles and detailed explanations belong in the legends-not on the figures themselves. Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Symbols, arrows, or letters used in photomicrographs should contrast with the background. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. Explain the internal scale and identify the method of staining in photomicrographs. Photographs of potentially identifiable people must be accompanied by written permission to use the photograph.


Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been cited in the text. If a table or figure has been published previously, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce it. Permission is required irrespective of authorship or publisher except for documents in the public domain using license of CC BY SA. Color figures are allowed in special circumstances, provided that the author is willing to cover the cost of reproduction. If the original size of the figures is too large, you can provide us lower quality figures on submission and ensure the availability of good quality figures after the acceptance of the manuscript.


Units of Measurement

For measurements use both local and S.I. (System International) units. Measurements should be abbreviated (e.g. mm, kcal, etc.) in accordance with the Style Manual for Biological Sciences and using the metric system. Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in appropriate scientific units. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Drug concentrations may be reported in either SI or mass units, but the alternative should be provided in parentheses where appropriate.



The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. In discussion, it is the most important section of your article. Here you get the chance to sell your data. Make the discussion corresponding to the results, but do not reiterate the results. Often should begin with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not experimental results). The following components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what)? Do you provide interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?



Conclusions should answer the objectives of research. Tells how your work advances the field from the present state of knowledge. Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether or not it merits publication in the journal. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or point out those that are underway.



Conflicts of interest should be transparent as detail as possible as provided in the ICMJE form as a standardized author' disclosures. Financial and personal relationships are easily identifiable that might bias or be seen to bias the work. Funding sources for the work should be described specifically with explanations of the role of those sources and the authors should declare that the supporting sources had no involvement in specific role. The authors should declare that the authors had access to all the study and the sponsors did not intervene the data or the work. Each author should submit a separate form from ICMJE.



Personal acknowledgments should be limited to appropriate professionals who contributed to the paper, including technical help and financial or material support, also general support by a department chairperson.



Funding sources for the work should be described specifically with explanations of the role of those sources and the authors should declare that the supporting sources had no involvement into nor influence on the content of the manuscript. This statement should be written separately and limited to the funding for the work. If funder(s) had any impact into or influence on the design; data collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data, the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication, their role must be disclosed in detail.



Use Arabic numerals in superscript to cite references in National of Medicine style. References are advisably not to exceed 25 in number but not less than 15, and should in general be limited to the last decade, except for references to methods used: they must be cited no matter how old they are. More than 25 references may be accepted when it is necessary. References must be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Use the style of the examples below, which are based on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals: Sample References. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used for MEDLINE. Avoid using abstracts as references. Information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should be cited in the text as “unpublished observations” with written permission from the source. Papers accepted but not yet published may be included as references; designate the journal and add “Forthcoming”. Avoid citing “personal communication” unless it provides essential information not available publicly, name the person and date of communication, obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of personal communication. Authors are recommended to use reference management software, in writing the citations and references such as: Mendeley®, Zotero®, EndNote®, and Reference Manager®.




Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


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